
Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Where's Bidonomics Hurting You the Most?




In Defense of Jews, Israel, and the Sacred Individual

But I was profoundly disappointed and shocked to discover a growing anti-Semitism in the ranks of patriotic conservatives. It caught me by surprise. I did a double-take when I read the words of conservatives blithely stating that a cabal of Jews and the nation of Israel were responsible for just about everything “bad in the world.” I said, “What? What did I just read?”

By |May 17th, 2024|

Unsatisfying Script: A Description of the Movie “Civil War”

The critics' reviews of the movie waxed critical. Easy to do since the director did not pick a side or make some left wing political statement. Even negativity can cause people to think and evaluate, but that is a challenge now as people are hourly spoon fed solutions on which they are expected to chow down – and believe.

By |May 17th, 2024|

Why Are Western Countries Committing National Suicide?

One look at France today, 55 million French persons, and 5 million Muslims, you can cut the racial/religious air with a knife. You might remember where Muslim terrorists shot up Paris restaurants, slaughtered theater patrons and killed cartoonists in that once “free society.” More than 90 “no-go zones” now dominate the French countryside.

By |May 16th, 2024|

It’s Getting Too Crazy

Meanwhile, though, the mayor had noticed that the city needed more lifeguards for its swimming pools and beaches. The light bulb goes off overhead. Aha! If only the feds would release the funds for it, he said, the city could hire a lot of the migrants as lifeguards… because “they’re excellent swimmers,” he said.

By |May 16th, 2024|

Competing Titles: Tennessee House Falls Victim to ‘Agenda 21’ Conspiracy Theory vs Tennessee Bans Agenda 2030

In 2012, while Agenda 21 (now 2030) had been around for two decades, because we had a misinformation press even back then, the number of people who had understanding of what Agenda 21 i.e., Sustainable Development was about, was very small comparatively. And many of the tools and tactics of Agenda 21 had not been out in the open back then.

By |May 15th, 2024|

Presidential Immunity

Rather than following the Constitution and laws of the United States, the courts, and all of the attorneys arguing the cases, are attempting to design a system to meets their ends. They are legislating from the bench, rather than applying the law to the case at hand. While Mr. Trump is attempting to turn the Presidency into a Kingship, the courts are trying to turn the United States into an oligarchy.

By |May 14th, 2024|

Happy 76th birthday, Israel

Today, Israel has reunited Jerusalem and provided unrestricted freedom of religion. Access of all faiths to the Holy Places in the unified City of Peace is assured. The story of Israel's rebirth is indeed a miracle, yet challenges have remained, threatening the existence of this tiny ancient country filled with a rich culture.

By |May 14th, 2024|

What 2024 Polls Really Tell Us

My favorite line about polls and statistics is, 99% of all statistics are made up on the spot to suit someone’s agenda, and man is that true when it comes to modern political polling data. Today, most Americans don’t even care how accurate the information is, they will share the polls of their choice, so long as it suits their agenda.

By |May 13th, 2024|

Earth Day 2050: Our Society Is Not Prepared For The Future

Since the mainstream media won’t educate you, and politicians continue to explode our population via legal and illegal immigration into America, you cannot count on knowing or understanding what Americans face in 26 short years. But I can tell you this: it’s gonna’ get really ugly for anyone living in that 2040 to 2050 decade when America hits that 100 million added human “resource competitors.”

By |May 13th, 2024|

Happy Church, Little Resistance of Evil and the Powers of Darkness

It is decision time for the Remnant in America. We have a faithful LORD and King and if we will meet Him on the battlefield, He will give us the victory against evil. We have work to do because one day we will stand before the King and answer to Him for what we did with what He gave to us.

By |May 12th, 2024|

The Absurdity of the Two State Solution Crowd

Asking why we continue to see and read of the hatred and vitriolic rants against the nation of Israel often sounds like a “broken record.” I have surmised that we will continue to hear and see the incessant spewing of Antisemitism because those expressing these views are short on reason, rational thinking, and logical, analytical deduction skills.

By |May 12th, 2024|

Understanding the Sovereignty of God

The only true sovereign that ultimately rules in all affairs of mankind desires that His crowning creation would recognize of his own free will, the need to accept His authority in all spheres of man’s governments, personal, family, church and civil.  Unfortunately, history has very clearly proven that mankind is totally incapable in his fallen nature to follow God’s will in his personal life, much less in the civil sphere.

By |May 12th, 2024|

Why the U.S. Ignores Islam’s Threat

The left has put America in a very precarious position by allying with America’s enemy. We are in a state of subversion, and most of us don’t even dare to name the enemy, which is Islam. It is no surprise. The so-called Democrat Party always allies itself with America’s hardcore enemies.

By |May 11th, 2024|

Preparing the Trial of Barack Hussein Obama

This is not to say that the House Republicans have not made serious mistakes. They expelled Rep. George Santos, who fudged the facts about his background. But it was Barack Hussein Obama who campaigned under false pretenses as a Christian when he was a Marxist mole with sympathies for radical Islam. His policies are still guiding the Biden Administration.

By |May 11th, 2024|

Maine Becomes the Latest State to Throw Away The Republic

Maine’s governor allowed an unconstitutional piece of legislation to become “law” without her signature. LD 1578, An Act to Adopt an Interstate Compact to Elect the President of the United States by National Popular Vote is not only foolish and unconstitutional, but the latest attempt to change the United States from a union of republics into a monolithic democracy.

By |May 10th, 2024|

America: Willful Blindness

This is no longer an alarm. Our enemies are already here and busy making plans to make America just like another European country. Suppose we don’t defeat Islam politically, lawfully, and swiftly. In that case, our children and grandchildren may well be engaged in an endless religious and ideological bloody war, the likes of which have never been seen on American soil.

By |May 9th, 2024|

Two Big Changes in America

The rot spread into the Democrat Party. They threw moderation out the window. Democrat politicians competed with the colleges to see who could go farthest Left in the least amount of time. The sane, decent, normal Democrats, one by one, disappeared from center stage. In their place we’ve got Soros-funded radicals.

By |May 9th, 2024|

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